About Me

Who Is TR Precht?

That is a question I struggle to answer myself. I guess you would say I am still allowing that story to be written.

Hi, I’m Travis.

Religiously speaking, I am an Apostolic in doctrine, Pentecostal in experience, and Holiness in lifestyle. I try to follow The Way. First and foremost, I am called to be a worshiper of the Most High God. Second, I am also called to Preach the Gospel. I am the Assistant Pastor at the local assembly, Lighthouse Ministries of The Apostolic Faith, which is in Bellevue, Kentucky.

I believe in Ethical Monotheism – There is only one God (Deut. 6:4) and His name is Jesus. February 26, 1997, I was saved the only Bible way as described in John 3 & Acts 2:38. I repented of my sins; was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12) and was filled with the Gift of the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues, just like in the Bible.

I believe that one should live a Holy and separated life, with Holiness on the inside that will manifest itself outwardly. It is with a great honor, and humbleness that I am used of God. I do not deserve any glory, let it all be unto the Lord. I seek always to be as clay broken by the Potter’s hand, that I might become more usable.

On Dec 6, 2004, I was blessed with the most wonderful wife in the world, Roxanna. She is my strength in my hardest hours.

Our family grew on January 28, 2015, when we welcomed into our lives our amazing son, Yonatan Asher. His name means ‘Blessed Gift From God’ or ‘Happy Gift From God’ which is perfect either way. He is a very happy blessing that keeps us on our toes!

I hold an Associates in Applied Science for Computer Information Technologies from Gateway Community & Technical College. I currently hold CompTIA A+ as well as several vendor specific computer certifications. I am forever a student. I am a licensed minister with the United Pentecostal Church International. I also serve as the Section 2 Kentucky Missions Director with the Kentucky District United Pentecostal Church International.